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3 Common Soil Problems and How to Solve Them

Is the growth in your garden being hampered as a result of soil problems? Then you are probably desperate to rectify the issues and to see your plants starting to thrive once again. Below is a list of three of the most common soil problems, which also explains how to solve them quickly and effectively by using products such as mulch, organic matter and horticultural perlite.


1. Lack of Fertility

One of the most likely reasons as to why your soil may not be quite as fertile as you had hoped is a high saline content. This is a big problem for people living near the ocean, but it can also affect gardens inland, especially in cases when the water table is  close to the soil’s surface. A possible way in which to remedy soil salinity is to add a layer of organic matter to the top of the soil. This should lead to a decreased need for water and a reduction in overall salinity. 

2. Nutrient Deficiency 

Look out for yellowing foliage, frequent insect infestations and poor growth as they can all be signs that your soil is lacking important nutrients. Resolve the problem by replenishing the soil’s nutrients with the help of a high-quality fertiliser as well as nutrient-rich organic matter, such as leaf mould or manure. 

3. Poor Drainage 

Poor drainage can result in excessive moisture that can lead to rotting roots, run-off and a reduction in topsoil. The easiest and most affordable way in which to maximise drainage is with the help of horticultural perlite. It allows for improved air flow throughout the soil and holds onto the perfect amount of water, all the while letting the excess drain away. 

Excesssive drainage /rapid drying of the soil is due to the lack of water holding capacity of your soil. This can be improved this  by adding coir/peat moss or horticultural vermiculite that absorbs large quantities of water and nutrients and slowly releases it to the plants.

Supplying World-Class Horticultural and Agricultural Perlite in Bulk 

Horticultural frontAllow Sun Silicates to supply you with horticultural perlite and vermiculite for sale in South Africa. For more information about horticultural  perlite and vermiculite and how it can benefit you, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team. 

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Sun Silicates (Pty) Ltd focuses on supplying high-tech consumable products to the chemical, metallurgical and agricultural industries. The company is customer and performance focused and we ensure our customers of quality products at competitive pricing.

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